copyright, 2019. Loop Reclame LTDA

Pepsi Twistland brings together established and emerging artists, youtubers and performers in a family-friendly atmosphere. For three years running the Festival has had 120,000 people in Atlântida, ideally located on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul.


Rua Felipe Neri, 353
Auxiliadora - Porto Alegre
+55 51 3022 2600
 55 51 3110  4893


Launched in 2017, Festival da Transformação was inspired by other innovative multifaceted arts events. Mixing fashion, young entrepreneurship and lectures, Loop simultaneously hosted three stages with fifteen artists.

Loop has been curating Bourbon Shopping's public performance programming, bringing free live music to the public by hosting local artists in weekly showcases.

Bourbon Game Show unites gamers and youtubers in a kid-focused event that the parents also enjoy. The most recent edition included game jam, a cosplay contest, a youtubers show, a digital soccer championship, as well as VR demonstrations.

Sofar Sounds is a program that invites music lovers to secret locations in unique spaces around the world. In both Porto Alegre and São Paulo, Loop has not just curated Sofar shows, but also captured the performances and made them available in digital platforms.

At Sunset Beira Rio, Loop produced the performances that opened The Rolling Stones most recent appearance in one of Porto Alegre's largest sports arenas.

Loop was also the curator and producer of the second Festival Sul Americano da Cerveja (South American Beer Festival) that took place in Porto Alegre with more than 30 homemade breweries participating and a public of 10,000 people.

In order to show the importance of isolation against Covid19 and to bring music and joy to our friends, family and fans Loop Discos has created The Acoustic Isolation Festival between 17th March and 9th April at 22h.We will be presenting artists from different places who have decided to embrace this battle with Loop Discos and Loop Reclame's team.The line-up is super cool and is being updated every day through our social medias. So far the confined (and confirmed) artists are:  Bibiana Petek, BemQuerê (Portugal), Carla El, Duca Leindecker, Frank Jorge, João Maldonado, Lucas Silveira (Fresno), Lila Trentini, Rê Adegas, Nani Medeiros, Rafa Malenotti, Rod Krieger, Antonio Villeroy, Adriano Trindade, Rafa Malenotti, Avicente, Lítera, Juan Acosta, Delia Fischer, Udi Fagundes, Enzo Munari e Yas Speransa.#stayhome#musicagainstcoronavirusPepsi Twistland brings together established and emerging artists, youtubers and performers in a family-friendly atmosphere. For three years running the Festival has had 120,000 people in Atlântida, ideally located on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul.

Festival Isolamento Acústico

Loop - Porto Alegre - Rua Cancio Gomes, 609.

WhatsApp +351 933072233
